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Get Out of Your Own Way with Vastu

April 21, 2015 So many of the impediments in our lives are self-created. Vastu can help you get out of your own way. I’ve noticed this so many times when working with clients and visiting friends. Utilizing Vastu can also help open you up to the wealth you already have. Once your home or business are arranged in alignment with the laws of nature, everything goes more easily. Clients have “found” art supplies, money, household items, etc., when we organize and declutter their homes and work spaces. A basic tenet of Vastu is to keep your home and workspaces clean and orderly. Doing so allows you to easily find items you need in your life that are present but obscured....

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Improving Air Quality and Happiness with Nature

how to improve air quality and happiness with nature Adding elements of nature to your home and business space improves the air quality and the feeling level. Have you noticed what a huge boost it is to beauty and your feeling of well-being when you add a blooming orchid plant or flowers in vases? “Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the mind.” Luther Burbank Improving air quality is a modern world problem that can be improved with tips from Vastu. These suggestions work for Feng Shui also. Vastu recommends the use of natural materials and creating harmony with nature. I’ve written about the value of bringing live plants and cut flowers into the...

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Le Corbusier and Vastu

October 26, 2014 photo: Erika Blumenfeld What correlation is there, if any, between famed modern architect Le Corbusier and Vastu, the system of design and architecture from ancient India’s Vedic tradition? In my 2007 book Vastu: Transcendental Home Design in Harmony with Nature, I wrote: “Vastu views a building as a living entity that protects and nourishes our lives rather than merely a ‘machine for living,’ as twentieth-century architect Le Corbusier once characterized the house. ” (p.18) Vastu takes a house’s functionality into consideration but also factors of comfort, aesthetics, and alignment with nature, making it truly a home. Authentic Vastu guidelines can always be utilized in the design of homes and other buildings to make them structures that are beyond simply liveable....

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The Real Feng Shui

  A client suggested I write a blog post on Vastu as the real Feng Shui. What does that actually mean, the real Feng Shui? Both Vastu and Feng Shui are Asian traditions of sacred space and thousands of years old—although they function as entirely different bodies of knowledge. Why would Vastu be the real Feng Shui? My client called Vastu the real Feng Shui because of the profound benefits she experienced from applying my Vastu design consultation recommendations to her living space. It truly became a more conscious home.  In spite of the value and wide recognition of Feng Shui and the dozens of Feng Shui books that have been available for many years, it’s not the original or the most potent...

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Maha Purusha Yantra: Creating a Spiritual Center

August 21, 2014 There are many ways to create a spiritual center in your home. Vastu recommends placing your meditation room, altar, puja table, yoga studio, or prayer room in the sacred northeast zone or in the center Brahamasthan of your space. In addition, you can use the Maha Purusha Yantra, shown below. Yantras are Vedic sacred geometry. They are holograms that set up an auspicious energy field; thus they are tools to rev up the energy of your space.    Previously, this yantra was only available as a component of of the gold Vastu Vedic Pyramid, a potent energy rectification tool that is recommended for all spaces not built according to precise Vastu guidelines. The MahaPurusha Yantra is in the very center of...

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