Fabulous Recommended Resources: Conscious Life, Vedic Knowledge
Conscious & useful resources to elevate your life...
beyond my consultations, courses, art for sacred space, art prints, and books.
FULL SPECTRUM LIGHTING: I've always recommended full spectrum lighting as healthier and more uplifting--- like being outside instead of under artificial light. LEDs transmit a lot of blue light, which is depressing, damaging to your eyes, and interferes with your body's ability to sleep. My favorite full spectrum lightbulbs are from Chromalux. Use my link and get an automatic 10% discount on everything in your cart. You can also use my discount code TRANSCENDENCE.

Chandi/Prana Center: Over 700 organic Ayurvedic products, herbs, dental care, skincare, etc. A few favorites: Blissful, cooling organic Rose Petal Preserve. Navaratna Celestial Radiance Cream. Transdermal glutathione and vitamin D. Fresh mouthwash. Organic rose petals and rose buds for tea and recipes.
Sevanti Institute’s Ayurveda Wellness Counselor Program: an excellent Ayurveda training program. In addition to my own Vastu Courses and Certified Vastu Consultant Training Program, I teach their Vastu module, which is open to anyone who wishes to take a weekend online Vastu intensive.
MAGNESIUM BATH FLAKES: the best, even better than epsom salts. https://amzn.to/3HpMtwT
ARMRA COLOSTRUM: Armra Colostrum Immune Revival Powder really works for rebuilding your gut's mucosal lining and lots more. I noticed improvements in my health right away. I think the unflavored tastes wonderful and soothing, but they have flavors also. Get 15% off your first order. My affiliate link isn't the name of their website, but it's real: https://www.talkable.com/x/1eQMgF
JYOTISH & VEDIC GEMSTONES: The most sattvic, potent, gorgeous, energetically beneficial gemstones I've ever experienced are offered by https://astrologicalgemstones.com/ I wouldn't buy from anyone else. Please mention that Sherri Silverman of Transcendence Design referred you. Also check out their excellent, informative blog's articles: https://astrologicalgemblog.com/
BOOKS: Look also at my blog posts for additional suggestions.
Healing the Thyroid with Ayurveda: Natural Treatments for Hashimoto’s, Hypothyroidism, and Hyperthyroidism: Marianne Teitelbaum's major contribution---tons of great basic Ayurveda info, based on knowledge she learned from the late Dr. Rama Kant Mishra. Learn why traditional Ayurveda needed to be updated to heal 21st century Westerners.
Wonderful versions of the Mahabharata and Ramayana by William Buck.
Emma Seppala's marvelous, uplifting, transformational books: Read these or listen to the audio books! The Happiness Track: How to Apply the Science of Happiness to Accelerate Your Success and Sovereign:
https://sherrisilverman.com Art conveying essence, infused with decades of meditation. Uplift and enliven your home & business space. Artist Sherri Silverman is Transcendence Design's founder.
https://lauratrisianoart.com Art that celebrates both worlds – our outer earthly life & our inner sanctuary of Spirit. Sacred space sculptural shrines: altars, temples, mantras, sutras.
Find David Wardman's spiritual prints and limited edition unique yantra prints that I used to offer on his own website: https://madparrot.com.au/
Sudarshan Kriya is a unique healing breath technique taught in what's now called SKY Breath Meditation; it's easy, natural, and incredibly useful for clearing emotional stress from all the cells of your body. It's like cosmic garbage trucks picking up all your trash and leaving a clean house. You don't need to have ever meditated to get results from this course. It's had many names over the last thirty years but the same practices: Art of Living Basic Course, Healing Breath Workshop, Art of the Breath, Happiness Program, SKY Breathing Meditation. It's the missing piece for meditators from any tradition that want to come back to themselves more quickly when crazy things happen--- and who want to experience deeper meditations.
Sahaj Samadhi is an effortless, natural, mantra meditation practice that gives you a holistic experience of your true unbounded nature. It's beautiful.
Both bring your back to your Self and boost your physical, mental, and emotional health, verified by copious scientific research studies. Both courses are amazingly effective and were brought out to the world by the Art of Living Foundation and my Gurudev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Watch Sri Sri videos and experience guided meditations on Youtube.
CHANTING & MUSIC: See many suggestions in one of my blog posts, more coming here soon.
Devi Kavacham: A kavach is armor or protection. This is especially good for women to listen to daily. Available on on the free Sattva app! Also available on YouTube and on Bhanumati Narsimhan's Cosmic Resonance CD.
True Botanicals has amazing rejuvenating skincare that feels and smells heavenly and nourishing. Organic and wild-crafted, no nasty chemicals. Highly recommended.
I used to sell Spa Technologies skincare, a sustainably harvested seaweed-based, mostly organic line of skincare. Highly recommended. It made a huge difference in my skin. Use the discount code TRANSCEND15 for 15% off your order.
See also the marvelous Chandi skincare creams above.
NEWSLETTERS: In over twenty years of Vastu newsletters, the most beautiful, professional, effective ones I've sent are those using Flodesk. More clicks, more opens, more sales, more responses--- plus great templates, colors, fonts. Get a thirty day trial of Flodesk and 50% discount for the first year.
INTERNATIONAL MONEY TRANSFERS: Wise, formerly Transferwise, is fabulous, fast, super-secure, and has low fees/exchange rates. I've had excellent results for five years sending various currencies overseas. Get a fee-free transfer up to 600 USD. They offer extensive international banking services.
SHOPIFY: Shopify is the platform this website is on. If you want to create a website here on Shopify, use this link to get a credit. $100 subscription credit, terms apply. There should be information explaining the program once you click the link and set up an account for a website.
Amazon, Health Lighting, Spa Technologies, Wise, Flodesk, Sevanti, Shopify, Astrological Gemstones, Armra, True Botanicals, and Chandika/Prana Center are affiliate relationships, meaning that I receive a bit of income or discount from your purchases there. I only recommend what I find to be excellent and beneficial: highly curated resources that I give you enthusiastically.