Sherri Silverman
Ladders of Light 3: Kali Yantra
Ladders of Light 3: Kali Yantra
Sherri Silverman
42" x 31" unframed original art
pastels and oil pastels on Arches Cover paper
includes US shipping. International shipping charges upon inquiry.
Ladders symbolize the pathway to communion with the divine/heavens in many traditions: Jacob's ladder in the Judeo-Christian tradition, Horus' ladder in Egyptian mythology, the seven-runged Mithraic ladder, the shamanic pole. The Kali yantra is the goddess in her abstract form. Kali means "time." Sherri’s friend and fellow artist Priya Mookerjee writes: "Kali, the universal mother, is the embodiment of feminine energy, the primal creative principle underlying the entire cosmos."
Downward pointing triangles are a universal archetypal symbol of the Feminine Divine; the concentric triangles depicted here are a traditional way of expressing how the Unmanifest emerges into the physical world in ever-increasing waves of manifestation from the bindu point, the junction between the unseen and the seen.
Like a Navajo rug, there is a flaw which, in this case, happened by accident rather than being added on purpose. I taped the artwork to a wall in my studio with drafting tape and then tore it when taking it down. A professional paper conservator in Denver trained at the top program in the country did a marvelous job repairing this tear at the bottom of the pastel painting.
Shipped in a large tube. Free pickup or delivery in the San Francisco Bay Area for this important work of art. HS (Harmonized System code) 9701.21
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